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Dave is a widely respected author in the field of software development. Since the late 1970's, he has published a broad range of academic and industry papers, articles, journals, and monthly columns. Here is a chronological summary of his publications: Future of the Empire: An Outsiders View of Microsoft Products 2010 Functional Programming – Crossing The Chasm? Journal of Object Technology, vol. 8 no. 5, July-August 2009, pp. 45-48 Cloud Computing - Benefits and Challenges! Journal of Object Technology, vol. 8 no. 3, May - June 2009, pp. 37-41 Real Men Do JavaScript! - Programming the World in a Browser Journal of Object Technology, vol. 7 no. 8, November-December 2008, pp. 35-39 Enabling Application Agility - Software as A Service, Cloud Computing and Dynamic Language Journal of Object Technology, vol. 7 no. 4 May-June 2008, pp. 29-32 Next Generation IT – Computing In the Cloud Life after Jurassic OO Middleware Journal of Object Technology, vol. 7, no. 1., January - February 2008 Programming the World in a Browser - Real Men Don't Do JavaScript Do They?! Journal of Object Technology, vol. 6 no. 10 November-December 2007, pp. 25-29 SOA and the Clash of Technocultures - Classes versus Infosets versus Business Process Journal of Object Technology, vol. 6 no. 6 July-August 2007, pp. 29-34 Agile Artifacts - Documenting, Tracking and Reporting, Trust The Source Luke! Journal of Object Technology, vol. 6 no. 3 March - April 2006, pp. 25-31 Programming with Models - Modeling with Code. The Role of Models in Software Development Journal of Object Technology, vol. 5, no. 8, November -December 2006, pp. 15-19 The API Field of Dreams ? Too Much Stuff! It’s Time to Reduce and Simplify APIs Journal of Object Technology, vol. 5, no. 6, July-August 2006, pp. 23-27 On the next move in Programming Journal of Object Technology, vol. 5, no. 2, March-April 2006, pp. 7-11 The Unnecessary Tension between Process and Programmer Journal of Object Technology, vol. 5, no. 1, January-February 2006, pp. 7-11 The (Re) Emergence of Agile Languages and Domain-Oriented Programming Journal of Object Technology, vol. 4, no. 9, November-December 2005, pp. 7-10 Going Open Source in IT - Opportunities and Challenges Journal of Object Technology, vol. 4, no. 2, March - April 2005. Refactoring as Meta Programming? Journal of Object Technology, vol. 4, no. 1, January-February 2005. Using Active Objects for Structuring Service Oriented Architectures Journal of Object Technology 2(7):7-14,July-August 2004. MDA: Revenge of The Modelers or UML Utopia IEEE Software, May 2004. Journal of Object Technology 3(5):7-12,May-June 2004. The Elusive Search for Business Frameworks Journal of Object Technology 3(1):7-13, January-February 2004. Model Driven Development – The Case for Domain Oriented Programming (PDF Copy) ACM OOPSLA 2003 Conference Proceedings, October 2003. The Impedance Imperative - Tuples + Objects + Infosets =Too Much Stuff! Journal of Object Technology, September-October 2003. Content Engineering – Time To Get Serious About Semi-Structured Information Otland September 2003. Computational Diversity, Practice and a Passion for Applications Journal of Object Technology 2 (1): 7-12 2003. Agile Evolution - A Fresh Approach Software Maintenance Otland Experts, June 2003. UML - Unified or Universal Modeling Language? Journal of Object Technology, vol. 2, no. 1, January-February 2003, pp. 7-12. Reflective Software Engineering - From MOPS to AOSD Journal of Object Technology 1(4): 17-26 2002. Agile Software Development - Promise and Challenges Otland Experts, August 2002. The Case For Disposable Software or "Big Architecture Not Always Essential" Otland Experts, May 2002. The Deplorable State of Class Libraries Journal of Object Technology, vol. 1, no. 1, May-June 2002, pp. 21-27 UML - The Universal Modeling and Programming Language? Otland Experts, September 2001. Prentice Hall, NJ 1996 Ubiquitous Applications: Embedded Systems to Mainframe (PDF Copy) Communications of the ACM, October 1995, vol. 38. No 10 SIGS Publications, Special Insert: 25 Years of Smalltalk, October 1995 Component-Based Software Construction First Class, (Object Management Group) January-February 1995 A Garbage Collector for Disk-Based Persistent Objects December 1994. Believable Specifications: Organizing and Describing Object Interfaces Using Protocol Conformance April 1993. Smalltalk and the AS/400: a marriage made with objects News 3X/400, September 1992 Describing Groups of Interacting Objects Using Path Expressions April 1992. Towards Metrics for Object Oriented Languages April 1992. Object Magazine, November/December 1991 OOP: The Next Technology Information 3X/400, February 1991 A View of Object-Oriented Computation in the 21st Century Object-Oriented Systems Conference, Digital Consulting Inc., Chicago, December 1990. The Impact of Object Oriented Languages on Design CACM Special Issue on Object-Oriented Design, October 1990. Actra - An Industrial Multitasking/Multiprocessing Smalltalk System Object Based Concurrency, MIT Press Object-Oriented Programming OOP: The Shape of Things to Come News 3X/400, September 1990. A View of Object-Oriented Computation in the 21st Century The Object-Oriented Systems Symposium, Digital Consulting Inc., Toronto, August 1990. Application Programmer Controlled Shared, Persistent Objects August, 1990. Managing Object-Oriented Software Engineering Tools '90, Paris June 1990. Object-Orient Technology: The Foundation for the Development of Advanced Open Architectures Test Engineering Conference, Boston, June1990. ENVY™ - An Open Object-Oriented Environment for MAPLE MAPLE '90, National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, May 1990. Unified Distributed Simulation April 1990. New Messages Journal of Object-Oriented Programming, November 1989. Managing Object-Oriented Software Engineering ACM OOPSLA Conference Tutorials, October, 1989. Managing Object-Oriented Software Engineering TOOLS'89 Conference Tutorials, October 1989. The Future of Smalltalk IBM Smalltalk Symposium, August, 1989. Smalltalk +C - The Power of Two Dr. Dobbs Programming Journal, July, 1989. Object-Oriented Programming and Ada DREO, July 1989. In Search of An Object-Oriented Software Engineering Process The Journal of Object-Oriented Programming, June 1989. Advances in Artificial Intelligence in Software Engineering: Why Object-Oriented Extensions to C are Doomed to Fail IEEE Compcon, June 1989. Smallscript - A User Interface Framework Integrating Smalltalk and Postscript Computer Graphics Interface 89, June 1989. DbPublisher - Tex in Shining Armor WOODMAN'89, May 1989. The Time/Space Requirements of Object-Oriented Programs Journal of Object-Oriented Programming, March, 1989. What's In An Object? BYTE Magazine, March 1989. Actra - A Multitasking/Multiprocessing Smalltalk System ACM SIGPLAN Special Issue on Object-Based Concurrency, February, 1989. A Garbage Collector for the Actra Smalltalk Multi-processor January, 1989. Smalltalk - A 5GL for Commercial Applications and Product Development IBM Object-Oriented Programming Symposium, November, 1988. Orwell - A System to Support Multi-person Object-Oriented Programming (PDF Copy) ACM OOPSLA, October 1988. EVA - An Event Driven User Interface for Smalltalk Computer Graphics Interface 88, June 1988. Guidelines for Object Oriented Programming DREO, January, 1988. Using Objects to Design and Build Radar ESM Systems ACM OOPSLA, October 1987. Review of the Definicon 68020 Coprocessor BYTE Magazine, October, 1987. A Survey of Object-Oriented Programming Systems ACM OOPSLA Conference Tutorials, October, 1987. Report on an Object-Oriented Program Development System DREO, September, 1987. Smalltalk as a Programming Language for Robotics? IEEE Robotics and Automation Conference, June 1987. ACM OOPSLA, October 1986. A Survey of Object-Oriented Programming Systems ACM OOPSLA Conference Tutorials, October, 1986. Object-Oriented Design of Multi-Processor Realtime Systems Dy-4 Systems, October, 1986. BPE - A System for Business Programming by Example September, 1986. Distributed Garbage Collection August, 1986. A UDP-Based Protocol for Realtime LAN Communications Towards a New Window System for Smalltalk July, 1986. Architecture of a Knowledge-Based Multi-Processor Command and Control Testbed VME/Multibus Conference, June 1986. Teaching Data Types - An Object-Oriented Approach CIPS Conference '86, April 1986. Actra Project Research Report April, 1986. Introducing Object-Oriented Programming into the Computer Science Curriculum 1986 ACM Computer Science Conference. Smalltalk: Discovering the System ACM North-East Regional Conference, October, 1985. Actra: The Design of an Industrial Fifth Generation Smalltalk System IEEE COMPINT '1985, September 1985. Architecture of an Object-Oriented Factory Automation System Northern Telecom Symposium of Flexible Manufacturing in the Electronics Industry, September, 1985. Survey of Man-Machine Interface Tools for CAD/CAM BNR, September, 1985. Teaching Fifth Generation Computing: The Importance of Smalltalk CIPS Conference '1985, June 1985. Computing as a Discovery Process - Logo for Adults and Children Third Conference of Women in Science, Engineering and Technology, May, 1985. DREA Research Summary for 1983-84 May 1984. APLTALK - A Definition and Implementation of Smalltalk Using The Contour Model May, 1984. DOODL - The Dynasty Object Oriented Description Language Dy-4, March 1984. The Authorization Server - a Mechanism for Securing a Heterogeneous Network of Personal Workstations Dy-4, December, 1983. Dynasty - Architecture of a Heterogeneous Distributed Network Operating System Dy-4, Oct 1983. A Comparative Analysis of Office Modeling Techniques R. L. Crain Ltd., June 1982. Database Auditing: Tools and Techniques CICA International Computer Audit Symposium, November, 1981. What Versus How - A View of Non-Procedural Programming in the 80's Xerox Computer Users Group, December, 1980. What Versus How - A View of Non-procedural Programming n the 80's CIPS 1980 Conference, June 1980. Database Reorganization and Conversion Software CIPS 1979 Conference, June 1979. EDMS Database Design and Administration Xerox Computer Users Group, January, 1979. DA - Review of Ironman Proposals NTIS Reports, 1979. Validation Algorithms for Pointer Values in DBTG Data Bases ACM Transactions on Data Base Systems, Volume 2, Number 4, December 1977, pp. 352 - 369. |
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